Re: Relative or Absolute URLs:

  •  05-25-2006, 12:04 PM

    Re: Relative or Absolute URLs:

    Hi guys, great product and all the rest.  The best HTML editor for that I've seen. 
    I have to say that I've come across the same issue with anchor links which go to the same page, as previous users. 
    I'm slightly different from other users though, in that I'm not using the out-of-the-box link button for creating anchor links - I've created my own button which allows for a custom dialog which creates links from other applications into the html. 
    Basically this button pops up a custom dialog which people select a value from i.e. an existing anchor link on the same page.  Then, I have a function which gets this value and outputs it into the code.  This seems to be where my problem lies:
    my code looks like this:
    CuteEditor_GetEditor(this).ExecCommand('PasteHTML', false, "" + strLink + "")
    where strLink is a value thats passed in from the custom dialog from before.  Now if I check out the value of strLink before running this line, it gives a value of:
    <a href="#nameofanchor">texthere</a>
    but when I run the ExecCommand command, it adds the editor page to before the hyperlink e.g:
    <a href="http://minnovpt01:9992/Pages/ContentEditor.aspx#nameofanchor">texthere</a>
    Any ideas?  I'd be really appreciative of any help I could get with why ExecCommand screws up my anchor tag.  Or perhaps even pointers on documentation for how the ExecCommand/PasteHTML thing works..
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