OnChange event handling in ASP version

  •  04-13-2006, 7:28 PM

    OnChange event handling in ASP version

    I need to be able to handle something like an onFocus or onchanged event from the asp version of the control.  We had an ealier version of the control and were able to make do with the IFrame onactivate event but it had some firefox issues.  We upgraded to the latest version and now it seems that the OnActivate method fires right away when the page loads which doesn't work for our purpose.  We tried a few other IFrame events but they don't seem to get fired or at least not fired when we would expect.  Is there a way to do this in the ASP version, we have implemented similar fucntionality in the .Net version on other pages of the same application but we have some legacy ASP pages that we need ot function similarily.
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