Formatting does not work - very frustrated

  •  03-21-2006, 4:16 PM

    Formatting does not work - very frustrated

    I have spent a lot of time installing this software and setting it up, researching through the forums and I'm finding there are a lot of bugs and I'm really frustrated.  I'm sure I have everything setup correctly.  If I'm frustrated I know my users are even more so, since they're more computer illiterate.
    This is what I'm seeing.
    - If several rows are highlighted to change the formatting such as font size or style sometimes it doesn't change it all or sometimes it changes the style or font for the whole page instead of just the highlighted section
    - Sometimes it will only let me make style/font changes per each line, when I need it to let me make changes for many lines at once.
    - If I highlight something and click the eraser sometimes it erases all formatting on a page and you can't see it if it's a long page
    - Sometimes the font color might change and sometimes it might not
    - Sometimes I try to center one line and it centers all the lines below it
    - When I highlight text sometimes it doesn't let me change from a style to a different font size
    Is it worth me waiting for your new version to come out to fix these type of problems or do I need to find other software that actually works?  Can you give me any answers or hope for getting this working SOON!
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