Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

  •  03-02-2006, 2:46 AM

    Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

    Hi Adam,
    I downloaded the latest build tonight (March 1, 6pm PST) and added the UseDNNRoleASFileNamePrefix in my web.config but still no luck.  Here's what I observe:
    1. Regardless of what the value of this flag, CuteEditor will always add a prefix "Member_" to any uploaded image or template. It seems this XML variable is not implemented at all.  It is always "true".
    2. When I log in as a writer, I can view the image files if I rename those by adding prefix "Member_" via my FTP program.
    3. The template folder always show up as empty regardless whether I add "Member_" prefix to the template filenames or not.
    4. When I log in as a writer, I can upload a new image file and view it back.  The image file will take the name as Member_XXX.jpg.
    5. When I log in as a writer, I can upload a template but it won't show up in the window once it is uploaded.  However, the physical file is there and it is named as Member_XXX.html.  Look like the template folder is totally broken.

    Please help.

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