Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

  •  03-01-2006, 9:12 PM

    Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

    Hi Adam,

    I was already using the latest build (Feb 24) and I did remove the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib dll file from dotnetnuke/bin directory during the upgrade.

    There was no exception on our site.  It is just that since we upgraded from 5.1 to 5.2, our writers can no longer see any existing image files in the directory tree.   If I login as host or admin, all files are accessible.  If a writer uploads a new image file, he can see it and use it, just all existing files are no longer accessible to them for whatever reason.

    Please advise and is it safe to roll back to 5.1 if that cannot be resolved quickly as it is service affecting.


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