Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

  •  02-12-2006, 4:09 PM

    Re: Problems with DotNetNuke Integration

    The latest build seemed to have cured issues 2 and 3 on my earlier posts.  Issue 3 was the hyeperlink issue which seems to be mostly solved but I am still having issues if I rename a mailto: link.  I can work around it though.  The issue is if I have an existing link and want to change the email address, it does not always take.  That is, the original email address is there after the edit.
    The big issue I am having is still the SharpZipLib conflicts.  If I delete the DNN version SharpZipLib.dll, most things work including the CuteEditor.  However, it is not fool proof.  For example, if I want to upload a zip file and have it uncompressed automatically, it won't work because it can not find the SharpZipLib.dll.  This is also true of uploading skins and modules.  Any idea when you will have a fix for this?
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