Errors in the Online ASP Demo ??

  •  01-20-2006, 3:37 PM

    Errors in the Online ASP Demo ??

    I notice that the tool tip names for both Insert Image controls are the same.  I also notice that the majority of controls have their tool tip names in Proper Case.  However "Paste From word" should therefore be "Paste from Word".  This inconsistency occurs several times.  Also the Outdent graphic remains one pixel lower than the Indent graphic?  I was disappointed with these items in version 4.  Especially I was dissapointed and lost numerous CMS clients due that clients couldn't upload CAD drawings to the documents (yes we could modify the view library code, but we couldn't get the files uploaded in the control) and Insert Image was a window that exceeded numerous clients screen res.
    Today I am told that although we've had this control only since late July that we need to buy "upgrade" to fix what should have been done the first time - and a number of minor details reamin outstanding!!!  If the "Paste From word" tool tip label hasn't been fixed - where are my assurances that upgrading will resolve the other more significant difficulties experienced?
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