Integration in DNN

  •  07-26-2004, 2:11 AM

    Integration in DNN

    I'm trying to integrate this module in my local dnn installation without success. I'm very interested in this so I downloaded the trial and I'm trying to test it agains a dnn portal.
    Can you give a detailed step by step guide on what is needed.
    What I did:
    - copy the cutechat folder on my application folder.
    - create a SqlDataProvider for the chat module similar to the one in the sample app.
    - Add a new module to dnn using the two controls provided
    - add this to my web.config

    <section name="cuteChat" type="CuteChat.ChatConfigurationHandler,CuteChat" />

    <cuteChat WebFilePath="~/CuteChat/" IPAddressPolicy="*" BadWords="," AllowAnonymous="Deny" LoginUrl="~/Login.Aspx" HelpUrl="" LogoUrl="~/CuteChat/images/logo.gif" ExitUrl="~/" Culture="es-ES" ConnectionString="[ConnectionString]" AppSettingKey="ConnectionString">

    <providers defaultProvider="MyProvider">

    <provider name="MyProvider" sqlDataProviderType="VMasanas.DNN.Modules.Chat.SqlDataProvider,VMasanas.DNN.Modules.Chat.SqlDataProvider" />



    - Add the new module to a tab

    But I get an error (Error loading module).
    On the help file you mention a file (CuteChat.DNNLib.dll ) that should be downloaded from cutesoft. Is it necessary? If so where is it?

    Vicenç Masanas
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