Re: Editor stripping style on UNDO

  •  11-10-2005, 11:54 PM

    Re: Editor stripping style on UNDO

    Even wrapping it in the div tag it constantly removes the head tag and when clicking and typing then clicking undo this happens still. This does not happen on postback but it does when clicking UNDO. Some things I have found:
    When loading a doc from a string and passing it to the cute editor with the likes of editor1.text = mystring. This loads fine , loads the style tags and displays perfectly in IE. Now when I click to HTML view I see my head tag, my style tag it is perfect. Now I go back to the normal view, now I go back to html view the head tag is gone but my style tag remains. Now I go back to normal and click around type some text, now click undo, wham all formatting gets messed up and I check html view and my style tag is gone.
    Now when I post it back and send the text to a string just after adding some text only without clicking UNDO it strips out the head but the style tag remains.

    Hope that made sense, what can I do here?

    Thanks in advance...
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