CE version is available!

Last post 07-11-2005, 3:17 AM by Adam. 0 replies.
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  •  07-11-2005, 3:17 AM 8549

    CE version is available!

    CE version is available!

    We are happy to announce the newest build (version of our software is available.

    Please download it from:


    New Features and Improvements:
    • The new Editor.BaseHref Property has been introduced.  The Editor.BaseHref Property can be used to set or retrieve the baseline URL on which relative links will be based.   
    •  The netspell toolbar type has been removed.

      If you are using a custom toolbar configuration file, make sure you chaneg the following line:

      <item type="netspell"/>


      <item type="image" name="netspell" imagename="spell"/>

    • Now the developers can configure the pop-up window features, source code  by editng the CuteEditorconstants.js.

      // When creating a table using the Wizard, the following default attributes apply.var _CreateEditingTableStyle ="<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' style='border-collapse:collapse;width:320'>";
      // Default window ornaments for the ColorPicker dialogvar _colorpickerDialogFeature ="dialogWidth:640px;dialogHeight:440px;help:0;status:0;resizable:1";
      // Default window ornaments for the Anchor dialogvar _anchorDialogFeature ="help:0;status:0;resizable:1;dialogWidth:320px;dialogHeight:150px;";
      // Default window ornaments for the Char dialogvar _charDialogFeature ="help:0;status:0;resizable:1;dialogWidth:480px;dialogHeight:370px;";
      // Default window ornaments for the Emotion dialogvar _emotionDialogFeature ="help:0;status:0;resizable:1;dialogWidth:320px;dialogHeight:360px;";
      // Default window ornaments for the Template dialogvar _templateDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:660px;dialogHeight:470px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the Document dialogvar _documentDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:540px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the gallery dialogvar _galleryDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:564px;dialogHeight:630px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the image dialogvar _imageDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:641px;dialogHeight:640px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the media dialogvar _mediaDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:580px;dialogHeight:540px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the flash dialogvar _flashDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:580px;dialogHeight:540px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the page properties dialogvar _pageDialogFeature ="status:no;dialogWidth:490px;dialogHeight:520px; scroll: no; resizable: yes; help:no";
      // Default window ornaments for the Tag dialogvar _tagDialogFeature ="help:0;status:0;resizable:1;dialogWidth:453px;dialogHeight:496px;";
      // Default window ornaments for the help dialogvar _helpDialogFeature ="left=20,top=20,width=764,height=500,toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1";
      // Default style to be applied to the editor Source viewvar _editorSourceStyle ="font:normal 11px verdana";
    Fixed Bugs:

    - Fixed: "If the first character of your selection is a space, and you press the font color button, it gets rid of your space when changing the color. "  http://cutesoft.net/forums/8486/ShowPost.aspx

    - Fixed: Properties on Context menu for link does not work. http://cutesoft.net/forums/4583/ShowPost.aspx 

    - Fixed: The link dropdown does not work properly in some situation. http://cutesoft.net/forums/8288/ShowPost.aspx

    - Fixed: Unable to use the full path to the css file in full page editing mode. http://cutesoft.net/forums/8506/ShowPost.aspx

    - Fixed: When switching tabs in the editor copies the content of the editor to the clipboard. http://cutesoft.net/forums/8554/ShowPost.aspx

    As always we encourage suggestions and bug reports. Please download and enjoy.

    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
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    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

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