loads slower on Host Server

Last post 04-17-2004, 5:38 AM by KenA. 1 replies.
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  •  03-07-2004, 10:30 AM 524

    loads slower on Host Server

    Hi all


    On my Dev box, the Editor loads really fast, but on the Production Server (shared host), it seems to load much slower.

    Somehow the images (buttons) are not being cached.


    When i hit 'refresh browser' (IE6), i see all of the buttons reload ...one by one.


    Has anyone had a similar problem?


    (By the way, the rest of my website is really fast on both Dev and the Prod Servers)



  •  04-17-2004, 5:38 AM 675 in reply to 524

    Re: loads slower on Host Server

    Hi. I didn´t have this problem with CE images. After Refresh, images load from cache without re-loading.


    I didn´t make any special config in the remote server, although I´m using custom config for CE: ImageGallery path, etc.

    Something like:


    this.ce1.MaxFlashSize = 500;

    this.ce1.MaxImageSize = 500;

    this.ce1.MaxDocumentSize = 500;

    this.ce1.Culture = "pt";

    this.ce1.FontFacesList = new string[] {"Arial","Courier","Georgia","Palatino Linotype","Tahoma","Times New Roman","Verdana", "WingDings"};

    this.ce1.AllowPasteHtml = false;

    this.ce1.ShowLogo = false;

    this.ce1.ChangeAbsoluteURLsToRelative = false;

    this.ce1.EnableClientScript = true;

    this.ce1.EnableStripScriptTags = true;

    this.ce1.Template = Utilities.EditorTemplate();

    this.ce1.DownloadableDocumentPath = "~/DownloadableFiles";

    this.ce1.HelpUrl = "~/Editor_Resources/Help.htm";

    this.ce1.FilesPath = "~/Editor_Resources";

    this.ce1.EnableFancyDropDownMenu = true;

    this.ce1.ImageGalleryPath = this.ce1.FlashGalleryPath = @ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[ "Text1UrlPath" ];


    And for the EditorTemplate method in my Utilities.cs class


    public static string EditorTemplate()




    "Undo,Redo," +

    "Separator," +

    "Cut,Copy,Paste,PasteText,PasteWord,Delete," +

    "Separator," +

    "Char,Emotion,InsertText," +

    "Separator," +

    "ImageGallery,ImageGalleryByBrowsing,FlashGallery," +

    "Separator," +

    "Hr,Link,UnLink,DownloadableFiles," +

    "Separator," +

    "InsertTime,InsertDate," +

    "Separator," +

    "InsertTable,AddRow,DeleteRow,AddColumn,DeleteColumn," +

    "AddCell,DeleteCell,MergeCell,SplitCell,ToggleBorder," +


    "Break," +

    /*Text Formatting****************************************************/

    "Bold,Italic,Underline," +

    "Separator," +

    "JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull,JustifyNone," +

    "Separator," +

    "InsertOrderedList,InsertUnorderedList," +

    "Separator," +

    "Indent,Outdent," +

    "Separator," +

    "FontColor,HighLight," +

    "Separator," +

    "Subscript,Superscript,Strikethrough," +

    "Separator," +

    "Forward,Backward," +

    "AbsolutePosition," +

    "Separator," +

    "RemoveFormat,SelectAll,SelectNone,CleanupCode," +

    "Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator," +

    "Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator," +

    "Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator,Separator," +

    "Separator," +


    "Break," +






    But I don´t think these configs will interfere with CE button images loding or not loading from cache.


    Maybe using Relative or Absolute paths? this.ce1.ChangeAbsoluteURLsToRelative = false;



    »»» KenA
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