Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

Last post 08-12-2008, 9:16 AM by kitster. 4 replies.
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  •  08-08-2008, 6:13 AM 42833

    Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

    Hi there
    I am evaluating Cute Editor, and am having problems getting to work fully within Visual Studio 2008.  I downloaded the demo CuteEditor_for_NET6, unpacked it to my local desktop, copied the two dll's and the license file to my project's bin folder, and copied the CuteSoft_Client folder with its subdirectories to the root of my project.
    I have tried to add the editor to my toolbox using Choose Items as per your Developers documentation topic "Adding CuteEditor to Visual Studio 2005 toolbox" (can't find a suitable VS2008 topic), but Editor does not show up in the list of items to select from.
    I copied the cs folder and browsed to the cs\default.aspx, and it appears on the page, although VS is showing the error: "The name 'Editor1' does not exist in the current context  s:\WEBSERVER\CWC_click\cs\default.aspx".  Every instance of Editor1 is underlined red with the same error message.
    Within the ASPX code, the <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" /> tag is also showing as an error, "Unrecognised tag prefix or device filter 'CE'".
    There is no intellisense for CuteEditor at all.
    If it makes any difference, all my development sites (and files) are on another computer, our development server, and I access them all through the network.  We browser our sites through domains, so http:\\, http:\\, etc.  The project is ASP.NET 3.5, server is Windows Server 2003, development machine is Windows XP SP3.
    I would appreciate help in sorting this out so I can get on with evaluating the product.
  •  08-11-2008, 11:21 AM 42886 in reply to 42833

    Re: Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

  •  08-11-2008, 4:26 PM 42894 in reply to 42833

    Re: Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

    We are investigating this issue and will get back to you as soon as possible. Chat
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  •  08-12-2008, 3:38 AM 42910 in reply to 42894

    Re: Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

    Adam, many thanks for the reply.
    I have done some investigation of my own, and have managed to get the Editor added to the toolbox.  From the Choose Items dialog, I had to browse to the CuteEditor.dll in the Framework 2.0/bin directory (on my Desktop), and add it from there.
    Apologies for the mess of a post!  I have managed to get the editor to work, but only in Web Application projects.  Is it possible to use the editor in a standard web site?  In other words, a site which is accessed through VS by File --> Open --> Web Site, then browse to shared network folder?
    The following part of this post are the errors I get through trying to use the editor in this sort of environment.
    I can now drag it onto an aspx page, whereupon it adds CuteEditor.dll and cuteeditor.lic to my bin folder, <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" Namespace="CuteEditor" TagPrefix="CE" %> and <ce:editor runat="server"></ce:editor> to my page.
    However, the ce part of <ce:editor runat="server" /> is returning an error "Unrecognized tag prefix or device filter 'ce'", and after adding an id to the editor, I cannot refer to it in my code.  There is no intellisense anywhere.
    An example page:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="CuteEditor" Namespace="CuteEditor" TagPrefix="CE" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

    <script runat="server">
        void Page_Load()
            cute1.visible = true;

    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Cute Test</title>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <ce:editor id="cute1" runat="server"></ce:editor>

    When I try and browse to this page, I get the following error:
    Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'CuteEditor.Editor' does not contain a definition for 'visible' and no extension method 'visible' accepting a first argument of type 'CuteEditor.Editor' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Source Error:

    Line 6:      void Page_Load()
    Line 7: {
    Line 8: cute1.visible = true;
    Line 9: }
    Line 10: </script>
    If it makes any difference, this is a .NET 3.5 web site being developed with Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition on an XP SP3 machine.  All files are stored remotely on our domain server.
    EDIT: I have just tried to build the solution, and apart from the unrecognized tag prefix mentioned above, I am getting 24 of these errors:

    Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.    S:\WEBSERVER\CWC02_CMS\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Dialogs\Tag\tag_style_text.ascx    1
    The only difference between the errors is the file name, which includes tag_hr.ascx, tag_select.ascx, tag_style_other.ascx, tag_a.ascx, tag_style_layout.ascx, tag_div.ascx, tag_form.ascx, Tag_li.ascx, tag_inserttable.ascx.  Let me know if you want the full list.

  •  08-12-2008, 9:16 AM 42914 in reply to 42910

    Re: Cannot add to VS2008 toolbox, no intellisense

    I have the reason why this isn't going to work, thanks to Karen through Live Chat.
    All my files are on a network.  It is a limitation of Visual Studio that CuteEditor needs to be developed in a local environment.
    Therefore, I have to copy the site from our server to my local machine, and then publish it back to the server when I've finished.
    Having done this, the editor works fine, with intellisense and code support.
    I guess now all I need is some sort of source control which will plug into Visual Studio, Dreamweaver and whatever editing tools the rest of my company is using so that I don't overwrite their work when copying back to the server.
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