Documentation of Javascript functions

Last post 03-10-2010, 2:49 AM by jkalian. 2 replies.
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  •  03-09-2010, 7:50 AM 59260

    Documentation of Javascript functions


     I'm trying to find documentation of the Javascript API of the Uploader/AttachementUploader. I am aware of the Javascript API section of the documentation, but that only covers the events exposed by the component. What I'm looking for is functions and types that you can randomly stumble upon in the examples.

     For instance, some example code uses a method called getqueuecount to get the number of queued files in javascript. Also, events handle types like List (for example the argument for the  CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnQueueUI event.
    I've looked through and searched the documentation but cannot find any reference to functions exposed by the javascript objects. Could someone please point me in the right direction for this?
  •  03-09-2010, 11:52 PM 59294 in reply to 59260

    Re: Documentation of Javascript functions

    Please check this thread. We will update the document and include the information of the above page soon. Chat
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  •  03-10-2010, 2:49 AM 59295 in reply to 59294

    Re: Documentation of Javascript functions

    Thanks for your quick reply. I think I can get by with this list and a bit of trial and error/reverse engineering to solve my current dilemma.
    Including a complete JS documentation in the next version, including the object types returnes by the functions with properties and methods, it at the top of my wish-list. And I suspect that many other developers that are using the component i JS-heavy implementations agree.
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