2 simple (?) questions

Last post 07-21-2008, 9:52 AM by RickL. 4 replies.
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  •  07-19-2008, 3:31 PM 42371

    2 simple (?) questions

    Hi, I have tried your demo's and am really impressed with the editor and also with its pricing. Will be starting an evaluation asap; actually already starting it now, writing this message... :)
    In the meantime 2 questions:
    1. I read that the spell checking dictionary is an external project and is in English. Are there dictionaries in other languages as well? Or will they have to be created from scratch? Or is it even possible to switch between dictionaries?
    2. I'm working on an online project management app and would like to be able to use the editor to create todo lists, messaging centers and such and I would like some sort of history tracking, but without visual comparison of two versions, that's not worth very much... All tools I've found are desktop apps; worthless for what I'm needing it for. I have not read anything about comparing two documents (or rather; html output of the editor), so I'm guessing it is a feature that is not available. Not a problem, because probably none of your competitors have that implemented as well. Do you know if it is a feature that will be implemented in the near feature? Or do you maybe know of other tools that can perform a visual comparison of two html and/or text documents (plain text would be fine as I'm not really interested in extra line breaks or markups differences) and save the results in an html stream?
  •  07-20-2008, 9:59 PM 42385 in reply to 42371

    Re: 2 simple (?) questions

    Right now we are using the NetSpell. It supports multiple languages. The languages can also be created from scatch. Cute Editor automatically switch the dictionaries when you set the culture name of the editor using Editor.CustomCulture Property.
    We don't have the file comparison tool right now. We don't have plan to implement it in the new version.
    All file comparison tools I know are desktop apps. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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  •  07-21-2008, 4:31 AM 42391 in reply to 42371

    Re: 2 simple (?) questions

    Hi Rick
    This may help for the comparison bit
    It highlights the differences in the text part of the HTML. We have used it in our CMS.
    I would be interested in knowing of anything you find which is better.
  •  07-21-2008, 9:49 AM 42396 in reply to 42385

    Re: 2 simple (?) questions

    Hi Adam, thanks for your reply.
    No problem regarding the comparison tool; I think that problem has been solved by AndyFel. Besides, that was not going to be a showstopper anyhow....
    One more question, just to be sure: If I buy a developer license, I'm free to redistrbute the editor in any webapp I might want to use it in, to any webserver/domain/ip etc. I want?
    Oh, and I could not find anything regarding support/updates etc. Is there a one year free updates or something similair included in the developer lic?
  •  07-21-2008, 9:52 AM 42397 in reply to 42391

    Re: 2 simple (?) questions

    Many thanks for your reply. Read the code project and it "sounds" very promissing. Downloaded the source code and will start testing asap.
    I read in the comments something about someone having problems related to content changes in an html table? Have you experienced those problems as well?
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