Help Needed!!! Context Menu

Last post 09-23-2006, 12:47 AM by kiranpanjala. 2 replies.
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  •  09-22-2006, 11:24 AM 22970

    Help Needed!!! Context Menu

    Hi All,
    I have two questions
    1. Is there a way to create a customised Context Menu? I want to create a Context menu where i have my own controls/text items in themenus.
    2. Is there a way, i can have a dropdown box in the toolbar with my pre-defined values populated into it so that i can use the same values.
    Thanks in Advance,
  •  09-22-2006, 12:58 PM 22971 in reply to 22970

    Re: Help Needed!!! Context Menu

    You can customize the context menu. Please check this article: How To Control the Context Menu in Cute Editor?  
    However in the current version, you can add you own custom item into the context menu.
    For the second question, please check the following example. The source code of this example can be found in the download pacakge.
    dynamically populate the dropdown menu

    How to dynamically populate the dropdown menu?( C# | VB )

    This example demonstrates how to programmatically populate the Cute Editor dropdown menu. Chat
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  •  09-23-2006, 12:47 AM 23001 in reply to 22971

    Re: Help Needed!!! Context Menu


    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your help, I could resolve the CSS File loading But still i did not understand custom context menu issue.

    Let me give you the scenario which i'm looking at.


    I need a context menu which has just one main item say "INSERT" and when user moves the mouse cursor on it, it should display submenu say "ONE" , "TWO", "THREE". When user clicks on "ONE" then the word "ONE" should be displayed/inserted  in the body content like wise it follows for the other words as well.

    Hoping to get the quick answer/resolution.

    Thanks a Million again...




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