...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?

Last post 06-14-2004, 11:28 PM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  06-13-2004, 9:39 PM 1007

    ...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?

    Hi all,
    I'm using the insert template dialog, and I've got around 20 template files in the templates directory.  When I open the insert template dialog, the amount of files stretches the right area where the files are shown - the "file pane", so far down the page that it makes the entire dialog unusable.
    I'm sure I probably missed something, so I apologize in advance.  Is there a way to turn on/engage/add a scroll bar to the area where the files are shown?  Having one here would easily fix this.  It's probably a quick fix that would pay immediate dividends.  And it's not really usable as it is...
    To reproduce, just cut and paste or add a bunch of entries to the Resource.xml file and click on the Insert Templates button.
    Thanks very much for your help!
  •  06-13-2004, 10:06 PM 1008 in reply to 1007

    Re: ...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?

    Hi all,
    I made a quick fix, I hope it's ok with the CuteEditor folks.  It's probably just something they forgot to add with everything going on.
    To fix this I added :
    overflow: auto;
    to the style for the <div> holding the table for the "file pane"
       Open CuteEditor_files/Scripts/select_template.aspx in an editor
       Find this code:
          <div id="browse_template" style=" text-align:left; background-color: white">
       Replace with this code:
          <div id="browse_template" style=" text-align:left; overflow: auto; background-color: white">
  •  06-14-2004, 11:28 PM 1021 in reply to 1008

    Re: ...bug/problem in insert template dialog and functionality...Quick Fix?


    Thanks for the quick fix.  Yes, we miss that part.
    We will add this fix into the next version.

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