CuteEdit V6: Insert character dialog opens in background and cursor is reset to home pos

Last post 04-11-2007, 7:25 AM by sander. 2 replies.
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  •  04-10-2007, 8:50 AM 28105

    CuteEdit V6: Insert character dialog opens in background and cursor is reset to home pos

    Dear ,

    I just downloaded and installed V6 of the CuteEditor for ASP.NET. When I try to insert a character into the text the insert dialog opens in the background while the cursor is reset to the home position. After selecting a single char the dialog closes. In V5 the dialog stays open until I click Cancel, which is the behavior I wanted.
    Previously I downloaded V5 en I already noticed the dialog resetting the cursor position. The dialog itself opened in front of the browser window.
    When I visit the demo the cursor isn't reset; the dialog opens in the background too.
    I am using Firefox (the latest release) on a Windows XP computer. I use Visual Studio 2003 for development. I inserted the editor in a table (in an aspx-file); OnPageLoad does nothing to the editor whatsoever except setting the TemplateItemList to a subset of the available buttons.
    Could you tell me:
    a. How to open the dialog in front of the browser window. Or, in case this isn't as designed, when I can expect this bug to be solved.
    b. How to prevent the editor from resetting the cursor position on opening the InsertChars dialog.
    c. How to keep the dialog open until the user clicks cancel.

    Thanks in advance,
    Sander Rovers

  •  04-10-2007, 6:12 PM 28124 in reply to 28105

    Re: CuteEdit V6: Insert character dialog opens in background and cursor is reset to home pos

    >>while the cursor is reset to the home position
    Can you try this example?
    The cursor should be stay at the same position.
    >>After selecting a single char the dialog closes.
    This can be fixed easily. Please wait for the nice build.
    >>a. How to open the dialog in front of the browser window.
    I am working on this issue right now.
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  •  04-11-2007, 7:25 AM 28152 in reply to 28124

    Re: CuteEdit V6: Insert character dialog opens in background and cursor is reset to home pos

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your quick reply. I've been testing my site some more and found this as the main difference between the demo (which works fine) and my own site: I use the editor inside a frame (window is split vertically in left and right frames). If I test with a normal window (no frames) the cursor stays in position, though the popups still appear behind the browserwindow. When used inside a frame the popup resets the cursor to the home position.
    By the way: this concerns InsertChar, PasteText, PasteWord; Paste doesn't work anyway. Setting EditorOnPaste to PasteCleanHTML gives a "Not implemented error". I did not test these matters in the demo.
    Hopefully this will help you solve the issues.


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