Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

Last post 12-24-2009, 12:47 PM by Ofer Tal. 25 replies.
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  •  02-25-2009, 12:58 PM 49233 in reply to 49232

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

    This is my web.config's <httpModules> section:
          <add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>
          <add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>

    The "ScriptModule" is for the ASP.NET AJAX (+CTP update), I believe (System.Web.Extensions). Other than that ASP.NET AJAX and CTP requirements, there are no modules or handlers configured.
    There are also no ISAPI filters that limit the max request size (typically those would be security related ISAPI filters).  files <200k still upload correctly, and a 0 byte resx file is still created in my CuteEditor Temp folder when I upload a large file. the resx file is deleted about the same time I get the error message (after a while... timeout)
  •  02-27-2009, 1:12 AM 49310 in reply to 49233

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

  •  02-27-2009, 11:31 AM 49328 in reply to 49310

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

    Thank you.
    Adam helped me the other day, we removed the CuteEditor.UploadModule line from my web.config and now I am able to use multiple file upload (flash) with large files.
    as long as the module was there, I was unable to add files larger than 200k
  •  03-10-2009, 3:39 PM 49705 in reply to 49328

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

    So we are having the same error as you encountered and it seems that you have resolved it.
    However, the thread is chaotic and I have a hard time seeing the steps taken to fix it.
    Can you please let me know how you actually fixed it??
  •  12-24-2009, 4:25 AM 57918 in reply to 49705

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

    I have a simmilar issue with the file uploader and would like some help from the cute editor support team.
    we have a licensed editor and I@m tring to use the uploader control on one of our pages.
    but everytime I upload the files end up in the cuteeditortemp directory with a file name like the below
    persisted.fb47a0b0-11bf-458b-8ce7-13425e9d209a.Blue hills.jpg
    and there is no image on the upload directory.
    this is what my html looks like. This doesnt work locally or in the production environment.
     <CE:Uploader ID="Uploader2" MultipleFilesUpload="true" ProgressCtrlID="Panel1" ProgressTextID="Label4" runat="server">
    thanks for any help
  •  12-24-2009, 12:47 PM 57929 in reply to 57918

    Re: Unable to find the uploaded file in directory

    Yes, this problem is a pain in the butt.
    As I mentioned above, the solution that worked at the time was to REMOVE the Upload module (not a great solution, is it?).
    HOWEVER, with later versions of ComponentArt we tried to re-enable the module and found out a very surprising thing -- the upload module WILL work well in web.config as long as we keep tracing off (that was a very surprising discovery we made after stripping off chunks of configuration from web.config until it worked and then adding them back)
    So now, I have a working CuteEditor including uploads on the same system and my web.config contains the following (relevant snippets)
          <!-- componentart upload module note: turning on TRACING in web.config INTERFERES with the current version of the upload module! make sure tracing is OFF -->
          <add type="ComponentArt.Web.UI.UploadModule,ComponentArt.Web.UI" name="ComponentArtUploadModule" />
    <!-- componentart upload module note: turning on TRACING in web.config INTERFERES with the current version of the upload module! make sure tracing is OFF -->
        <!-- <trace enabled="true" mostRecent="true" requestLimit="1000" pageOutput="false"/>-->
    I hope this helps (and that maybe Adam reads this and figures out why turning tracing on messes up the upload module - it would be nice to again be able to use Trace.axd on my site )
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