Clienty Side NetSpell Error

Last post 04-05-2006, 7:55 PM by mat41. 2 replies.
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  •  04-05-2006, 1:45 AM 17892

    Clienty Side NetSpell Error

    Editor =5.1
    OS = XP Pro
    Browser = IE 6.0 SP2
    After figuring out you had changed your 'spell' button property to 'netspell' (bad compatibility process, why why why...)
    Anyhow - Do you have any new 'design features' that cause NetSpell to fail?  I get the following JS error (exact syntax):
    Line: 7
    Char: 36
    Error: Expected ';'
    Code: 0
    The process:
    1..type some text (correct and in correct)
    2..clicking on the 'ABC' button
    3..The above client side error comes up
    4..Click 'Yes' to continue to run scripts on this page
    5..The same error comes up however the NetSpell window is behind (partially loaded - can see 'Spell Check' in the title bar)
    6..Click 'Yes' again
    7..The JS error prompt disappears.   The 'Spell Check' window stays there and indicates 'Loading...'  I went for a coffee came back 10 minutes later - it still appears to be loading.  The cancel button within the window is there and click able.
    How can I rectify this.  Hopefully I have given you all the information necessary for a solution.

    Wind is your friend
  •  04-05-2006, 3:42 PM 17916 in reply to 17892

    Re: Clienty Side NetSpell Error

    Have you inctalled the .NET framework on your localhost?
    If not, you can't use the NetSpell.
    If yes, can you tell me your file structure?
    Keep me posted
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  •  04-05-2006, 7:55 PM 17925 in reply to 17916

    Re: Clienty Side NetSpell Error

    ;;Have you inctalled the .NET framework on your localhost?
    yes the framework is installed.  I am very sure I would experience different behaviours if I had not, am I correct?
    ;;;If not, you can't use the NetSpell.
    It was working fine with version 4.0 - I am ware of this and have been a user of your NetSpell tool in your previous version
    My file structure is exaclty the same as it was in my previously working version.  I suspect different behaviours would also be experienced if the bin dir was:
 the wrong spot
    b..did not contain the NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll and dictionary txt files (en-AU.dic - however they are all in there)
    It does and is.   I now have a bin dir (containing the files mentioned above) at the root of the web site (dir called 'NavSysCom5') and located at the  'NavSysCom5\CuteEditor_Files' level
    Your cute files have been deplyed as follows:
    Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply

    Wind is your friend
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