Cute Editor for ASP

Toolbar Overview

Toolbar Overview

Many functions of Cute Editor are accessible via the toolbars, context menus (accessible through a right-click menu in the content area). This section contains reference documentation for all of the toolbars customization.



Most toolbar configuration settings have been moved to XML definitions within the configuration file (Full.config,Simple.config...). These configurations are applied using AutoConfigure property. AutoConfigure Enumeration represents Several predefined sets of buttons.

Member Name Description
None Disables all items on the toolbar
Default Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Default.config file
Full Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Full.config file
Full_noform Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Full_noform.config file
Compact Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Compact.config file
Minimal Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Minimal.config file
Simple Enables the buttons in the cuteeditor_files/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Simple.config file

Each configuration file defines the set of available tools, their layout, and specific options.

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
  2. <configuration>  
  3. <contextmenu>  
  4.    <item name="Editing" value="False" />  
  5.    <item name="Format" value="False" />  
  6. <!-- further contextmenusconfiguration settings... -->    
  7.   </contextmenu>  
  8.   <toolbars>  
  9.   <item type="image" name="Bold" />  
  10.    <item type="image" name="Italic"/>  
  11. <!-- further toolbars configuration settings ... -->    
  12.   </toolbars>  
  13. </configuration>   

You can change the layout of the toolbars using the following methods:


1. Load and Edit the configuration file directly.

2. Load the different configuration file dynamically for the different roles/users using Editor.AutoConfigure property.

3. Create/load a custom toolbar configuration file.

4. Set the template or layout to use for the toolbars dynamically using Editor.TemplateItemList property. Example TemplateItemList = "bold, italic, underline"

5. Put the toolbar items needed to be disabled into this Editor.DisableItemList string. Example DisableItemList="Save, Bold, Delete"

6. Create/Add your own custom button dynamically.