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  • Re: bugs in cute messenger

    I just want to bring this thread&nbsp;back to the top, hoping to get new informations about this topic. &nbsp; kind regards &nbsp; oliver &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by odem on July 18, 2006
  • Re: bugs in cute messenger

    Thank you for your answer. &nbsp; Furthermore, can you help me&nbsp;with the Invite-Button. &nbsp; Do I something wrong or is this feature not active in the current version? &nbsp; Kind regards, &nbsp; oliver
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by odem on June 26, 2006
  • bugs in cute messenger

    hi, I have tested the trail version of the Cute Messenger and I am very fascinated by your software. But I have found two issue which seems to be bugs. &nbsp; 1. I have seen a Invite-Button on your example pictures but I miss him in the trail version. Where is he? 2. If I have two chat Windows open and I send a message to one of it, the ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by odem on June 22, 2006
  • Re: special characters lost; search not working

    Hi, &nbsp; I&nbsp;have problems with the same topic. I have notice that the HTML Code shown by the CuteEditor is not the Html Code which is stored in&nbsp;the DB. If you change to&nbsp; the Basic Text Box (DNN&nbsp;function) you will see the real Html Code. And there&nbsp;are no longer any&nbsp;&#246;, &#228;, &#252; or &#223;. I would ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by odem on October 26, 2005