
Last post 03-29-2011, 3:11 PM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  03-29-2011, 1:59 PM 66915


    Is there a process to follow to upgrade from previous versions?  We are currently running version 6.5 on several sites, and have modified some of the configuration files to suit our needs.  Are there changes in the config files?  Do I need to replace any, all, or some of the files in the CuteSoft_Client folder? 

  •  03-29-2011, 3:11 PM 66916 in reply to 66915

    Re: Upgrading

    Dear davepearce,
    Upgrade steps:
    1. Backup your website
    2. Remove folder "CuteSoft_Client"
    3. Download cuteeditor for .net, download link: http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/cute_editor_current_releases/entry21904.aspx
    4. Unzip it
    5. Upload files of folder "\Framework 2.0\bin" to your application bin folder, it will override your previous files with same name.
    6. Upload folder "CuteSoft_Client" and all file it contains to http://{your site}/{your application}/ on your web site
    7. Migrate your customization of old version to latest version
    8. Copy the permanent license to "bin", you can find the permanent license from your backup, license file name is "cuteeditor.lic"
    9. Test it
    Thank you for asking
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