Mixed editing and tables

Last post 02-11-2009, 6:50 PM by unclebob. 2 replies.
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  •  02-09-2009, 1:30 AM 48481

    Mixed editing and tables

    Greetings, I'm interested in what this editor has to offer for my client and I'd like to know a couple of things about its functions.
    I'll try to be as detailed as possible here. The table I'm interested in will be simple in appearance, no nesting of any kind, and can contain either text or images. Each submission will only allow for a single table, no nesting tables or multiple tables or anything like that. The table will be restricted to just two columns, but users will be allowed to add/remove rows as they wish. Adding/removing rows needs to function in a way whereby users can remove existing rows by clicking on an adjacent button, and add rows to the bottom of the table by clicking on a button in the toolbar. The topmost row however will contain the description, and thus should not be editable/removable. Right-click menu will be disabled completely.
    For my first question, is it possible for a button in the toolbar to be created such that when clicked, it'd create a table with a precise look in the editor pane?
    For my second question, I understand it's possible to create a button in the toolbar to add rows when clicked, but can it add the row to the bottom of the table? Can functional buttons exist inside the editing pane so users can remove existing rows?
    For my third question, can the editor restrict editing of any kind within certain elements, in my example inside one or more table cells, whilst allowing it for other elements?

    Appreciate any answers, thank you.
  •  02-09-2009, 11:06 AM 48509 in reply to 48481

    Re: Mixed editing and tables

    >>For my first question, is it possible for a button in the toolbar to be created such that when clicked, it'd create a table with a precise look in the editor pane?
    Yes. Please check the following examples:
    Add a Cross Browser Modal Dialog Box to Cute Editor

    How to create a custom button(client side) which displays a dialog?( C# | VB )

    This example demonstrates how easy it can be to add your own client side buttons to the CuteEditor by creating a Cross Browser Modal Dialog Box.

    >>For my second question, I understand it's possible to create a button in the toolbar to add rows when clicked, but can it add the row to the bottom of the table? Can functional buttons exist inside the editing pane so users can remove existing rows?
    Maybe you can use the following button
     Insert Row Below insert a row below the selected row
    However if you want to add row to the bottom of your table instead the selected row, you need to create a custom button to handle this.
      Delete Rows delete the selected row
    You can use the above button the delete the selected row.
    >>For my third question, can the editor restrict editing of any kind within certain elements, in my example inside one or more table cells, whilst allowing it for other elements?
    It's possible. Please check the following article (IE only):

    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

  •  02-11-2009, 6:50 PM 48646 in reply to 48509

    Re: Mixed editing and tables

    Appreciate the answers, thank you! I'll see if there are more questions later.
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