Windows Authentication for Operator Windows App ...

Last post 09-07-2007, 9:47 AM by jcurran. 1 replies.
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  •  09-04-2007, 1:46 PM 33222

    Windows Authentication for Operator Windows App ...

    Is there any way to make the Operator Application use Windows Authentication or any plans to add the ability in the future?
  •  09-07-2007, 9:47 AM 33370 in reply to 33222

    Re: Windows Authentication for Operator Windows App ...

    I think I found a work-around by authenticating Support Operators using DirectoryServices in the SupportLogin() method of the Global.asax.
    However, I also need to auto-register operators in a particular Active Directory Group (without going through the process in the video).  I that Support Operators get added to the CuteSupportOperator table but what else happens behind the scenes in order to register an operator?  When I manually add a user to that table, they can open the operator client but as soon as a customer connection comes in, I get the following error:
          "Unable to connect to chat server.  Click OK to retry, or click "CANCEL to ignore the connection.  There is an error in XML document (1, 806)"

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